Armadillo Recommends Cloudian

Your data is under threat. It has never been more important to secure your environment.

Data is the most important asset for organisations within any sector. When used correctly, data can aid innovation, decision making, improve processes, and get the right information to the right people.
Every year your data grows, which makes it vital to have the right storage solution in place to keep your business operating efficiently, and without interruption.

In this fireside chat Daniel Oxley, Chief Technology Officer for Armadillo Managed Services, is joined by Adam Dagnall, Senior SE Director EMEA for Cloudian, to discuss the challenges our customers are currently facing and explore the solutions we have available to keep your data safe against ransomware.

Inefficient storage – The risks

If you don’t look after your data and keep your environment as healthy and protected as possible, you increase the risk of causing damage to your valuable data, or worse.
How you store your data ultimately determines how safe your data is. Take a look at some of the risks and limitations below, should your data be stored inefficiently.

📚  Dataloss
☢️  Data corruption
⛔  Unauthorised access
📉  Downtime and business disruption
🚫  Lack of access to your data
🚨  Inefficient or no data recovery

Ransomware attacks have increased 97% in the last two years, and 75% of organisations infected were running up-to-date endpoint protection. Source: Emisoft

Do you have a robust immutability strategy?

Data immutability is a concept that refers to data that cannot be changed or deleted once it is created and stored. Immutability ensures that the data remains in its original state, maintaining its integrity over time.

It’s vital your data is not affected, altered or removed. This can lead to poor decision making, compliance issues and a loss of trust with your customers. With this, it’s paramount your storage solution includes true data immutability.


Introducing Cloudian

Cloudian specialises in S3-compatible object storage systems, bringing cloud benefits on-premise. With technology roots in the large-scale enterprise message space, Cloudian introduced its object-based platform, HyperStore.  Cloudian products are offered by partners including VMware, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo, and AWS to name a few!  Cloudian’s technology allows organisations of all sizes to utilise the benefits of cloud-native object storage in their own data centres.

Need more information to read?  Grab the whitepapers and solution briefs right here:



Why Cloudian?

– Make your data immutable with Object Lock
– Ransomware protection for your backups
– Fast recovery and no waiting time in the event of an attack from on-premise storage target (lowest TCO)
– No egress charges – pay only for the storage you use
– 1/3 of the cost of public cloud or traditional enterprise storage
– Compatible (Hybrid Cloud) with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
– Complimentary to VEEAM – backup direct to object storage Veeam V12 onwards

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation

Press the button below to book a free consultation where we can dive into how we can keep your data safe from ransomware attacks.

Armadillo Managed Services - Cyber Security